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Strengthen Your
We prioritize compliance and conduct regular audits without any compromise. Our security, privacy, and legal program is fundamentally designed to ensure the protection of user data and nurturing their trust.
Fortify Your Security
We have always placed security first. We use a defense-in-depth approach to implement layers of security throughout our organization. Our security program is driven by compliance and regulatory requirements along with industry best practices like OWASP Top 10 and threat intelligence.
Maintain Your Privacy
We respect your preferences concerning the collection and use of your personal information. Privacy is critical and we understand that well, which is why we have designed our product to protect it by being GDPR and SAR compliant.

View our Privacy Statement .
Resource Centre
Our Resource Centre is your gateway to understand the policies, regulations, and compliance standards that shape our operations, data protection measures, and ethical guidelines we uphold. You can dive into our comprehensive resources to gain insights into our commitment to transparency, data security, and ethical practice